vrijdag 8 december 2017

Why we should stop fudding great innovative and upcoming technology regarding blockchain and support eachother, especially now the world is watching us

Why we should stop fudding great innovative and upcoming technology regarding blockchain and support eachother, especially now the world is watching us

The closer we are at our goal.. the more it seems that we actually don't really get along too well. It's heartbreaking to see this happening while we actually share the same goal: mass adoption of crypto currencies and blockchain tech into the rest of the world. What can we change?  

Mr. H - December 8th, 2017

8:30, the bell rings..

There we are, as a bunch of kids in school, explaining to newcomers what lunch tables and clubs to avoid, what to wear and what to do to become popular. We educate them while we prepare ourselves to our own 'next step' in our schoolcarreer.

The same applies for the cryptoworld, except in crypto - instead of sometimes giving the most accurate and correct information - we try to drag the attention towards risky investments by presenting fake news and misunderstood rumours trying to gain a few cents on 'our' picks. Non-stop fights on twitter - instead of educating each other we just go to war. This mindset is not only very very short term, but also damaging the entire community.

If you want crypto and blockchain to be a success, you have to be open minded about a lot of things and stop ignoring great tech and innovation just because you forgot to buy the coin or token 'when it was cheap' hoping that this will justify your decision back then for not 'jumping in'. 

To give a small example, Ripple. The hate against Ripple is currently 'successfully' blocking its gain that it should have, making it one of the most undervalued coins there is. The Ripple community will reply by comparing facts they have gathered and put other coins to a sceptic review, the same with Bitcoin - Litecoin - Ethereum - Dash - IOTA and so on. Before this turns into a big war, we should try to unite and allow the coins to gain ground in the non-crypto space. This will be beneficial to all other currencies. 

I'm not saying 'don’t be sceptic' or 'don’t question anything', please continue because we have to ask the questions to make sure everyone stays on the correct path. 

If Ripple/ IOTA succeeds in its mission, what would that mean for the crypto world?

Well, for starters, it will open up the world for more institutions to see the benefits of blockchain. This will allow them to look further than just the tech that will help them, but also gives opportunities for other area's to be taken very seriously. If we continue to show the entire world we are not even allowing success for cryptocurrencies that are 'not minable' and 'run by a business', you miss the point where the semi-regulated crypto's are the bridging connection between massive world adoption and market cap growth we all desperately chase. 

Same goes for IOTA, who would have known this crypto would suddenly gain 15x its value in a week just based on a partnership where the details remain uncertain? It is something we should fear or love? My opinion is that we are sending this 'team' to compete in the real world, and I would rather see the team we are sending to be drained in excellent leadership - something I miss and will express to anyone who wants to know, but do I want it to fail? Definitely not - but I hope that the concerns of the community will be taken highly into consideration and they will understand that they are a frontrunner for other crypto's. Screw it up and you might set it all back a few months, exceed expectations and you will create a bright future for everything.

This has nothing to do with 'you should definitely invest in these coins', it has nothing to do with that, just that we - as a crypto community - damage ourselves by trash talking others.

We are no longer in the small league now, we moved on to 'high school' and some moved even higher. As you all remember (assuming you all went to school) the setup and popularity chasing ideology that you had when you were in school were turned upside down whenever you went up that ladder. 


The whole crypto community will benefit from the success of Ripple. The whole community will benefit from the success of IOTA. We have passed the point where we can change the future of these coins, they are no longer in our control but at the developers and companies behind it, but we can speed up massive adoption if we can mature about it and allow this success to happen.

Im out,
Mr. H

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